Hello, everyone! How are you? We have two important announcements to share with you. The first is about TvT, and the second is about the Bazaar.
Bazaar - Due to the high demand for characters, both in selling and buying, we decided to adjust the Bazaar to make it more practical and modern. We are launching the Bazaar on the website, which will make the process of posting and selling characters more dynamic, practical, and faster. Starting today, all characters will be listed on the Eternal Quest website. The process for posting and buying remains the same (opening a ticket), but now the posting will be faster and more controlled. This is the first version of the Bazaar on the website, which will evolve into increasingly dynamic methods, and in the future, we intend to allow players to post their characters directly (we are already working on this). So, the Bazaar is now open again for the purchase and sale of characters. We ask everyone who wishes to sell characters to open a new ticket, and even those who have already made a request, please do so again.
TvT - Regarding TvT, yesterday we delivered the rewards to all those who acquired the TvT Hero Tag (10 Ancestral Stones, 5 EXP Boosters, and 10 AXP Boosters). The rewards are delivered directly to the Market Warehouse. Soon, we will be making the shop available on the website for TvT tokens, with many dynamic offers. Additionally, TvT tokens will also have other super important functionalities, so collect as many as you can.
With all the announcements given, we want to express that we are working hard to balance the game, offering opportunities for all types of players.
Note: Soon, we will be announcing the new event seasons for Tokens, including new features with TvT tokens.
We wish everyone a good gameplay and a great night. See you later!