

Eternal Quest, takes place in a world where for a long time it was ruled by entities as powerful as gods and as evil as demons. There was only pain, suffering and despair and thanks to that, over time, a secret society, The Order of Ebuin, emerged with the purpose of eliminating these entities and achieving a little peace for such a troubled world. For many years, the Order of Ebuin, obtained much information and fought countless battles, but all lost. Only after a long time, when only a few were left, did the Order make a discovery that could change everyone's destiny, did they discover how to seal the creatures, sending them to another universe, a place where they could not escape and neither harm anyone else forever ... that's what they thought.

Eight thousand years passed, people began to forget the entities and the memories of the times of terror were no more than legends and distorted stories of what really happened, everyone now lived peacefully where the majority did not even believe in the entities, but the worst was yet to come, as the entities are managing to break the barrier between the universes ... and this is where it all starts ...


So far there are 5 vocations available:

  • Guerreiro: they are excellent hand-to-hand combatants, they use spears to reach greater distances than normal, with their proficiency in heavy armor, they get more defense than other DPS classes, however, they need to venture to the front line to be able to attack the monsters.
  • Elementor: is a class focused on area damage and magic, has a lot of group control and is essential for a level rush at the beginning of the game, it is also extremely useful for CC a monster that was lured by a companion, or even boss!
  • Sentinela: they are very agile, with their high movement and their reach from afar, he can kill the monsters before they even get close, has spells that make him invisible for a while and a lot of single-target damage.
  • Protetor: it is the tank class of the game, has good regeneration and abilities that help the group, in addition to being able to attract the attention of monsters with their attacks. If you are alone, the protectors can use their Wrath to make them more offensive.
  • Lyrus: able to guarantee several blessings to the group, this is the vocation with support role and healer of the game. It has great vitality and its healing abilities are linked to the maximum life that the player has. This vocation also has the skills to revive another dead player.

Sistema de Forja e Profissões

No jogo, praticamente todos os monstros droparão materiais. Estes materiais podem ser usados no sistema de forja para que o jogador crie novos itens. Os monstros irão dropar itens prontos para os jogadores, como espadas, escudos, cajados, armaduras, etc., porém estes itens terão uma limitação de qualidade. Será possível conseguir itens com as melhores qualidades possíveis no jogo, apenas utilizando a forja.

O sistema de forja possui as seguintes profissões:

  • Ferreiro: criam todos os tipos de armas e munições, se sua intenção é atacar primeiro e perguntar depois, esta é a profissão certa pra você.
  • Alfaiate: criam os melhores equipamentos que podemos encontrar por aí, como armaduras, elmos, túnicas, etc. Um bom alfaiate pode criar armaduras com defesa altíssima.
  • Alquimista: capaz de criar poções e itens mágicos que fazem toda diferença na batalha.

Sistema de PK/PVP

Quanto a mecânica, ela funciona de uma forma bem elaborada, o jogador poderá ativar e desativar o sistema de PVP. Quando um jogador ataca o outro, automaticamente ele entra em modo PVP e uma espécie de aura alaranjado começa a rodear o seu corpo, caso o jogador mate outro sem que este revide o ataque, então este karma se torna vermelho e o jogador entra em modo PK. Para remover o modo PK, o jogador deve matar monstros, onde cada monstro irá converter sua EXP para remover parte do Karma do jogador PK. Cada PK que o jogador der, sua chance de dropar itens ao morrer (enquanto estiver com Karma) aumentará em 1%.

Sistema de Grupo e compartilhamento de EXP

É possível criar grupos (party) para efetuar uma caçada mais animada com seus amigos e compartilhar o LOOT e EXP dos monstros. O grupo pode ter até 7 jogadores e um bônus será aplicado da seguinte maneira: cada vocação distinta presente no grupo, irá adicionar 20% a mais na EXP do monstro, ou seja, um grupo com 5 vocações diferentes, terá um bônus de 100% de EXP.

Sistema de Dash

Umas das coisas mais bacana que existe no Eternal Quest é o Dash System, onde o player pode deslizar usando sua estamina e então desviar de ataques dos oponentes, tornando as batalhas do jogo bem rápidas e dinâmicas.


Liberated Pixel Cup (LPC) Base Assets (sprites & map tiles)

Lanea Zimmerman (AKA Sharm)

  • Base tileset
  • Much style guide work
  • Co-author of LPC background cup image

Stephen Challener (AKA Redshrike)

  • Character templates
  • Much style guide work

Charles Sanchez (AKA CharlesGabriel)

  • Monsters

Manuel Riecke (AKA MrBeast)

  • Hairs
  • Soldier/Soldier Artcolor
  • The 60 degree perspective render in the style guide

Daniel Armstrong (AKA HughSpectrum)

  • Castle Work

Asset Link

LPC Tile Atlas

Casper Nilsson

  • LPC C.Nilsson (2D art)

Casper Nilsson

  • Tilesets of plants, props, food and environments, suitable for farming / fishing sims and other games.
  • Includes wheat, grass, sand tilesets, fence tilesets and plants such as corn and tomato.


  • Shoot'em up graphic kit

Skyler Robert Colladay

  • FeralFantom's Entry (2D art)

Asset Link

LPC Tile Atlas2

Barbara Rivera

  • Tree
  • Tombstone

Casper Nilsson

  • LPC C.Nilsson (2D art)

Chris Phillips

  • Tree

Daniel Eddeland

  • Tilesets of plants, props, food and environments, suitable for farming / fishing sims and other games.
  • Includes wheat, grass, sand tilesets, fence tilesets and plants such as corn and tomato.
  • Also includes village/marketplace objects like sacks, food, some smithing equipment, tables and stalls.

Anamaris and Krusmira (AKA Emilio J Sanchez)

  • Sierra__Steampun-a-fy (with concept art)

Jonas Klinger

  • Skorpio's SciFi Sprite Pack

Joshua Taylor

  • Fruit and Veggie Inventory

Leo Villeveygoux

  • Limestone Wall

Mark Weyer

  • Signpost + Shadow

Matthew Nash

  • Public Toilet Tileset

Skyler Robert Colladay

  • FeralFantom's Entry

Asset Link

Extended LPC Magic Pack

Daniel Eddeland

  • Graphic Artist

Asset Link

LPC Weapons: two bows, a spear and a trident

Daniel Eddeland

  • Graphic Artist

Asset Link

[LPC] Farming tilesets, magic animations and UI elements

Daniel Eddeland

  • Graphic Artist

Asset Link

LPC Snowy Tree

Lanea Zimmerman (Sharm)

  • Graphic Artist

Andrew (WolfMountainGames)

  • Collaborator

Asset Link

[LPC] Pennomi's UI Elements


  • Graphic Artist



  • Collaborators

Asset Link

[LPC] Spider

Stephen "Redshrike" Challener

  • Graphic Artist


  • Contributor

Asset Link

[LPC] Medieval fantasy character sprites

Johannes Sjölund (AKA Wulax)

  • Graphic Artist

Asset Link

[LPC] Water Fountain

Lanea Zimmerman (AKA Sharm)

  • Graphic Artist



  • Collaborators

Asset Link

[LPC] Forest tiles


  • Grass and Flower Tiles
    • Based on LPC's Grass made by Lanea Zimmerman (Sharm)
  • Water Tiles
    • Based on water, grass and rock tiles in LPC made by Lanea Zimmerman (Sharm)
  • Rock Tiles
    • Based on rock in LPC made by Lanea Zimmerman (Sharm)
  • Mushrooms, cave flower, low grass, ferns, leaves and flowers
    • Based on Hyptosis trees_plants_0.png
  • Old tree trunk / Moldy tree trunk
    • Based on Hyptosis trees_1.png
  • Juniper and Moldy tree stump
    • Based on Johann C tiles
  • Cabinet
    • Based on LPC base tileset by Lanea Zimmerman (Sharm)
  • Trees
    • Based on LPC base tileset by Lanea Zimmerman (Sharm)
  • Cocoon
    • Based on LPC soldier by Manuel Riecke (AKA MrBeasts)

Lanea Zimmerman (AKA Sharm)

  • Hole Tiles
  • Kettles and fireplace
  • Wooden beds

Tuomo Untinen

  • Tall Grass
  • Pile of woods
  • Big spider web
  • Bee nests
  • Butterflies


  • Collaborator

Asset Link

LPC roman armor


  • Graphic Artist


  • Original Cape

Matthew Krohn

  • Female Plate Chest

Johannes Sjölund

  • Male Plate Chest

Asset Link

LPC Animated Water and Waterfalls


  • Graphic Artist

Asset Link

[LPC] Sara

Stephen "Redshrike" Challener

  • Graphic Artist


  • Contributor

OGA Homepage

  • http://lpc.opengameart.org

Asset Link

LPC masks


  • Graphic Artist

Asset Link

The license type used for images and sprites can be one of the following:

CC-BY 3.0:

  • https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/

CC-BY-SA 3.0:

  • https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/

GNU GPL 3.0:

  • https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html